Tren Hex Cycle Dosage - Test Tren Eq Superdrol

Tren Hex Cycle Dosage - Test Tren Eq Superdrol

Even new users of Tren Hex will want to stack it with a similarly long acting testosterone ester like Testosterone Cypionate which in this cycle can be used at 500mg weekly, with Tren Hex taken at between 150mg and 200mg weekly. This cycle is going to be perfect for gaining mass and bulking with these two steroids going hand in hand to promote.




When cutting, stacking Tren Hex with other Anabolic steroids such as Masteron or Winstrol will only intensity the already dramatic effects of Tren Hex. Because Tren Hex is a longer acting format of Trenbolone, cycles of Tren Hex usually run a bit longer than normal (in the range of 12-14 weeks).




1. Aug 10, 2007. #2. That is a reasonable starting point (300mg a week). tren hex is about 68% tren by wieght (I need to double check that) so that works out to about 200mg a week of tren. that is roughly worth 35mg of tren a day. keep in mind that it will take much, much longer to kick in though.




Tren Mix 200 Cycle

Tren Hex is the larger ester based Tren compound on the market and it was first introduced by a French lab in the 1960s and was the first and only Tren hormone that ever existed in human grade form. Parabolan was prescribed for many years to treat medical conditions such as malnutrition and Osteoporosis.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Tren-Hex) Cycle. Known under its brand name Parabolan, Tren-Hex is a much more longer acting and slower release form of Trenbolone compared with the acetate variant. Tren-Hex has a much longer half life of 14 days and therefore requires less frequent injections to maintain optimal levels.


Tren Oral Steroid


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Trenbolone Enanthate cycle


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 9mg 8mg 9mg 9mg 8mg 10mg 9mg
Week 2 18mg 17mg 21mg 21mg 21mg 20mg 18mg
Week 3 31mg 30mg 32mg 31mg 28mg 31mg 28mg
Week 4 29mg 32mg 31mg 30mg 30mg 32mg 32mg
Week 5 19mg 21mg 21mg 20mg 17mg 17mg 20mg
Week 6 11mg 9mg 10mg 8mg 10mg 10mg 11mg


Trenbolone Acetate 200mg

Best For Bulking In Women. The best stack for cutting is Masteron, Trenbolone and Testosterone, test tren superdrol cycle. Test tren eq cycle. Tren-e is the long, slow acting ester with a half-life of about 19-days. This means that the compound takes time to peak in your system and will subsequently take a lot of time to get excreted. Just put the order in for everything but the superdrol transdermal. Going to be running a big time mass cycle. Here is the official lay-out.. if you recommend changing anything let me know. 1-16 Test Sust 250 mg/week 1-15 Equipose 800 mg/week 1-10 NPP 100 mg/eod 1-4 SD Transdermal 25 mg/day 10-17 Tren Ace 100 mg/eod The entire cycle I will be running proviron at 50 mg per day, and caber and ...

Wk 1-10 tren Ace 500mg/wk. Wk 1-12 test e 750mg/ wk. Wk 1-4 superdrol 30-40mg/ ED. Wk 1-12 EQ 600mg / Wk. Wk 1-12 Proviron 50-100mg/ ED. For an AI, I have aromasin for estro and caber for possibly prolactin sides and gonna be running Clomid and nolvadex for PCT.. also have liver guardian and milk thistle to combat with the superdrol since I've ... 3rd cycle Test E, EQ, Superdrol, Epistane . ad. STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS. As I said this is my third cycle and It will be a lean bulk/recomp and I am 36 years old and 252 lbs and I am shooting for 12-15 lbs or so after pct and maybe drop bf by 2% or more. I have ran superdrol before and it was by far the best gains I ever had. Test E: 500mg/week for 12 weeks. tren E: 400mg/week for 10 weeks. Superdrol: 20mg/day for the first 3 weeks. I have arimidex, caberlin, hawthorn berry extract, and milk thistle for on cycle support. PCT, I have plenty of nolva and clomid. usually do 4 weeks of PCT starting 2 weeks after last injection. PCT: 100mg of clomid /day for 2 weeks then ...